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Effective restaurant marketing with media monitoring

Competition on the restaurant market is huge. Before a brand can build the trust that makes it the first choice restaurant for customers, it needs to be noticed first. The key to success is to carefully listen to the customer’s needs and know their needs, culinary preferences and requirements.

Social listening, i.e. Internet and social media monitoring and finding mentions of your restaurant on the Internet, will help all potential and current restaurant owners. Thanks to social listening, you can provide your customers with information about your brand, answer questions bothering them, present your offer, but also solve emerging problems.
Good restaurant marketing is a guarantee of profits, and monitoring the restaurant’s brand on the web helps you control the level of customer satisfaction and introduce changes that will help increase it.


Social media restaurant marketing  is a great way to create a brand image, but also to shorten the distance between the company and the customer. Additionally, it is a great place to present your offer in a subtle and attractive way. The most popular channels for company promotion are: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TripAdvisor. Thanks to the Facebook profile and Google, customers gain the opportunity to evaluate various aspects of their visit in the restaurant. Foreign guests most often leave their reviews on TripAdvisor and zomato.

Good reviews are a great way to attract new customers, because before visiting a restaurant, we usually check the reviews of the places we plan to visit on the Internet. Thanks to social media monitoring, you can constantly take care of the brand image and adapt your offer to the preferences and needs of consumers. You can do it thanks to tracking the feelings of customers about your company, which Internet users share in comments and in posts on restaurant-related groups. Social media monitoring is a continuous process, it requires listening and an in-depth analysis of the requirements, however, it enables a quick, or rather immediate response.


Responding to positive and negative comments is an important aspect of conducting restaurant marketing. It is worth following what Internet users write about you. Perhaps customers are not entirely satisfied with the menu or the interior design? Comments may concern minor improvements that are easy to implement and will make the offer more attractive – e.g. calorie labelling of dishes, vegetarian dishes, etc.

Pay attention to negative comments. The ones that remain unanswered can cause a real storm and cause a crisis that will negatively affect the perception of your brand image. Monitoring the tone of entries is possible thanks to appropriate tools – e.g. the Inforia portal. By reacting quickly to comments, you increase the chance of building a long-lasting relationship with the customer.


Internet users are becoming less and less sensitive to advertising. Most people install ad blocks for this type of content. Influencer Marketing Hub research, on the other hand, indicated high effectiveness of influencer activities – nearly 84% of entrepreneurs consider cooperation with influencers to be an effective form of advertising a given brand. By using the right tools for campaign monitoring, you can select influencers to promote restaurants and specific target groups and measure the results of such cooperation on an ongoing basis.


Gastronomy blogs are also an excellent tool for building restaurant brand awareness. When visiting restaurants, bloggers pay attention to a number of elements that they thoroughly evaluate. The existing media monitoring tools used by PRESS-SERVICE make it possible to find blog writers and invite them to cooperate. This is a very effective element of marketing that allows the brand to reach a wide range of customers.

Start acting! Media monitoring is a great way to know customer opinions and respond to their needs, build the image of a recognizable brand and generate profit in the end.


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