Top brand 2018: The strongest brands in the media


Top brand 2018: The strongest brands in the media

The Press magazine and the information agency PRESS-SERVICE Monitoring Mediów have presented the results of the Top Brand 2018 report – the biggest brand publicity ranking on the Polish market. The 11th edition of the report covers as many as 500 brands from 50 industries.


For the purpose of the report, press, Internet and social media information published between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2018 was analysed – a total of over 52 million pieces of information: 1 million press publications, 5 million online publications and 46 million social media posts.


New format of the study

The fundament of the completely new methodology adopted in this year’s edition of the report is the use of comparable indicators for all types of mentions, taking into account the specificity of the press, online portals and social media. The metric influencing the position of the brand in the ranking is brand strength – the resultant of several variables (the number of publications, impact and sentiment index) that show both the number of contacts of the recipients with the brand and the qualitative assessment of the message concerning the brand.

Photo 1. Top Brand 2018 statuettes


Absolutely top brands

The report identified 50 industries most frequently appearing in the media. For each of the sectors, 10 most publicised brands were selected. In the next stage, the materials concerning each brand were analysed in detail, taking into account the adopted indicators, which determined the brand’s strength. The report covers, among others, industry rankings and the position of all 500 analysed brands. Fifty strongest brands in the media were awarded the title and statuette of Top Brand 2018.

Table 1. The strongest brands in 50 covered industries – Top Brand 2018 – alphabetical order divided by industry


The strongest brands covered by the report

The leader of the entire Top Brand ranking, which includes 500 brands, was PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna. The strength of this brand was calculated at 17,948,385 points. Its advantage over the two subsequent brands in the study was credited to a higher sentiment index. TVN came second with 15,291,632 points. The brand exceeded Polsat, which obtained 14,947,330 points. The fourth place was taken by Mercedes with 10,314,910 points. Top 5 was closed by BMW with the result of 10,304,075 points.

The subsequent three places were taken by press titles – Gazeta Wyborcza – 10,037,818 points, Przegląd Sportowy – 8,940,207 points and Super Express – 8,136,974 points. A luxury car brand – Audi – ranked ninth with 8,109,123 points. The Top 10 of the ranking of 500 brands was closed by TVP Info with 7,924,018 points.

To sum up, among the 10 strongest brands in the entire Top 500 ranking there were as many as six media brands, three automotive brands and one energy brand.


The best image and the broadest reach

The coverage on individual brands was also subjected to qualitative analysis – positive tonality of publications increased the brands’ media strength. The highest sentiment index (4.5) among the 500 brands was recorded by a brand from the category ‘Charity projects’ – Fundacja Dzieciom „Zdążyć z Pomocą”. Super-Pharm – a brand classified under ‘Retail chains – drugstores and pharmacies’ had sentiment index lower by 0.16 – it amounted to 4.34. The third best perceived brand was Szlachetna Paczka – its sentiment index was 4.26. It was followed by a brand from the category ‘Fairs’ – Expo XXI (3.76) and a brand from the sector ‘Popular cars’ – Toyota, which scored 3.74.

TVN was the leader of the Top 5 brands with the highest reach. The impact of this brand totalled 8,018,909,621. It was followed by Gazeta Wyborcza with impact of 7,974,997,266. PGE ranked third with the score of 7,709,124,523. The Top 5 was closed by media brands: Super Express – 7,488,587,363 and Polsat – 7,070,559,868.


  • Top Brand is a unique report on the national scale, which allows the covered brands to compare not only against their direct competitors, but also more widely in relation to other industries. The ranking is a kind of communication signpost and is a great starting point for brands for further detailed analyses as well as for creating and modifying strategies,’ says Katarzyna Popławska, Marketing and Public Relations Manager of PRESS-SERVICE Monitoring Mediów.

The prestigious Top Brand report is a joint undertaking of the originator of the project – the Press magazine and information agency PRESS-SERVICE Monitoring Mediów – the author of report methodology. It has been published since 2007. The first editions featured the analysis of press publications. In 2013, the study was expanded to include online materials, and two years later – also social media posts.


Video ‘Methodology of the Top Brand 2018 ranking’ – TVIP

Video ‘Top Brand 2018’ –information agency Newseria


Indicators used in the report ‘Top Brand 2018’


Impact – the reach of the mention of the brand according to medium consumption data.

Sentiment index – a sentiment-based metric; it reflects the share of positive, neutral and negative publications in the entire coverage on a given brand: the higher its value, the better.

Brand strength – the final value determining the brand’s position in the ranking; it is a resultant of several variables that reflect both to the number of contacts of recipients with the brand and the qualitative assessment of the message concerning the brand.


PRESS-SERVICE Monitoring Mediów and the Press magazine agree to publishing the materials in full or in part provided that the source is indicated (full company names: PRESS-SERVICE Monitoring Mediów and Press magazine, and in the social media marked as @PSMMonitoring (FB and TT) and @MagazynPress (FB) and @RedakcjaPress (TT)).


Contact persons:

Marlena Sosnowska
Spokesperson, PR Manager
mobile: +48 697 410 980
phone +48 61 66 26 005 ext. 128


PRESS-SERVICE Monitoring Mediów
60-801 Poznań, ul. Marcelińska 14


Renata Gluza
Editor-in-chief of the Press magazine
mobile: +48 601 720 674
phone +48 22 33 48 333

Press Sp. z o.o. sp. k.
60-623 Poznań, ul. Mazowiecka 63/2


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